Spitting at the Face of Failure

It's everyone's nightmare, that damned 7-lettered word: Failure. Who would have thought that a concept like that could be so powerful as to kick the unsuspecting in the gut and send even the smartest in the bunch to semi-reclusion? Why, the very mention of the word, sends shivers up and down the spine of even the most successful people on the face of this earth. For others however, the experience of failure has become so much of a normality that they in turn, resign themselves to their fates. It's fairly simple to fall under its spell. Lose a couple of games, F a number of tests, step on the plate and come face to face with an overwhelmingly difficult and risky task and BOOM. What happens? You just give up. In the face of failure, you slunk your shoulders, sigh, and allow your dreams to be butchered before your very eyes.

It's a travesty and unto this spirit of failure, we at KickAssifymylife most certainly do spit! Thus, I have listed a number of strategies which you can follow to aid you in spitting at those stupid jitters in your tummy (figuratively, of course).

1. FFF: Flash the Finger at Failure

The numero uno method of spitting at the face of failure is to FFF. Don't be scared of it. Don't be cowed into your submission. Don't wet the hell out of your pants in fear. Keep sight of the paths and goals you wrote and continue to write for yourself everyday. If fear gets in your way, then your reaction should be simple. Flash the metaphorical hell out of your middle finger at it.

Kicking ass in life entails eating your Fears alive, and drinking Risk for breakfast. Though for most new endeavors, the possibility of things not going according to plan is high, take it by stride. Don't dwell on it. The longer you dwell, the more time you're wasting time which could be spent instead hammering a dent in history.

2. Failure is Yo Momma

In as much as the fear of failure is a mortal sin, at least by KickassifyMyLife's standards, it can indeed be used as a motivating factor in the pursuit of our dreams. I'm sure you know the feeling. It's quite common really. It's the feeling of being pumped up to kick an exam's ass which arises from the fear of an F. It's the feeling of wanting to butcher your equally aggressive competitors despite the possibility of being whooped yourself. Use this fear to drive you, to be that added push you need to truly kick ass in life.

Likewise though, this motto can be used for people who just experienced failure. DO NOT let it get you down. EVER. Use it to stoke the flames. Learn everything you can about why you failed, and MAKE A COMEBACK.

3. Failing Quotations101

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot...and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." - Michael Jordan

"It is not a disgrace to fail. Failing is one of the greatest arts of the world." - Charles Kettering, inventor of the electric starter

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising everytime we fall." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Very few of the great leaders ever get through their careers without failing, sometimes dramatically." - Philip Crosby

4. Seduce it but Don't Bed it

Allow yourself to experience situations where possibility of failure is so great, it's maddening. Roughly 99.9% of all people the world rarely risk anything of value to have that chance of hitting greatness. Most are contented with the status quo. They live their lives never for once bracing themselves for the supreme effort required by your most KickAss dream. They live in fear, the fear of failing, the fear of feeling that all their efforts will amount to nothing.

In fact, the face of failure is not so bad if the experience or the aversion one has of it leads one to his or her Dreams. I believe that the higher your dreams and aspirations are, the more risk you are exposed to, in effect seducing, so to speak, the possibility of failure.

Don't chase after failure per se though. While it is a fact of life that it exists, and that it runs parallel to all great ideals and endeavors, do not make it the end goal. Don't bed it. The ultimate journey shouldn't be directed at that. It should on the contrary be pointed towards what you really wanna do with your life, that kickassified idea you have for yourself.


Make it a mantra. :)

Constantly check this blog, http://kickassifymylife.blogspot.com, for more updates on your daily dose of Kick Assified tidbits.

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